Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Two Years Later

Bom Dia!

Dear Friends-
 Sue, Ann, and I are once again headed to Brazil. Please view our new blog at the following address:


You can blame me for all the confusion- I should've created the new blog sooner! 

Thank you so much for all of your love and support!

We can't wait to share this journey with all of you.


Monday, July 23, 2012

We're baaaack!

(written early Mon. morning)
It's been a long day of traveling but finally I am home, tired, but good to be home. It's bitter sweet as I'm glad to be back, but I miss my friends in Remanso. Sat. morning we got up early and our friends met us for breakfast and a final send off with more tearful good-byes. Then off on the road to Juaizero with Fr. Joe.  Aunt Raquel came with us as she wouldn't hear of us leaving without a send off at the airport the next day. We spent the day with them both once we arrived in Juaziero, visiting another day care that Fr.Joe helps with financially called the Teacher Christina Institute, as well as some of the churches he helped to build, after we had a lovely lunch with two of the sisters that work there. I found myself starting to come down from an emotional high, so it was a good day to unwind and relax before today's all day journey.

Our friends in Remanso have been very generous with us, giving us of gifts that are very special as many are handmade items or thoughtful remembrances of our trip.

My most special gift however, is the gift of sponsorship. I was considering sponsoring a 2nd child when Ana Paula made me aware that one of the young boys in our music class had just lost his sponsor.  His name is Eugenio and I can't exactly tell you his age but he's somewhere around 8-9 yrs. old. He is a bit on the mischievous side, but can be very endearing. What I did not realize is that with the loss of a sponsor, a child like Eugenio, who goes to the public school and comes to the center after, would have only one month to find another sponsor or he would no longer be able to continue to attend the programs as well as his mother would no longer be able to receive the food basket given out once a month. For Eugenio, this would not be good as he as at the center almost every day and is one of those kids that walks that fine line and needs the center to keep him on the right path, plus the loss of the food basket would be a great hardship for the family. So my decision was made for me, there was no question that this child needed my sponsorship and needed it soon. On Sat. Eugenio also came to see me off with lots of hugs and I knew I had made the right decision.

We hope you've enjoyed reading our blog and learning about the children of Brazil.
Please share with anyone else you think might be interested and if you would like to support our efforts, we are continuing to accept contributions through:
"St.Charles Brazilian Children-Arts Program".
If you're intersted in sponsoring a child, please contact "St. Charles Brazilian Children".
both are at the address of: 238 Jewett Ave.
                                        Bridgeport, CT. 06606
But most importantly, THANK YOU for following our journey.
love to all, sue

is he adorable or what!
he was very proud to tell his teachers that his name means "I am genius" in Portugese at which his teachers quickly replied - "then you better stay in school"

God Bless America

Good Morning!

After a very long flight from Recife to Miami, a delay, and getting lost coming out of LaGuardia, I was dropped off early this morning. We made it!  My Parents were very cute and decided to wait up for me.  It was great to see them and hug them. Other highlights of last night included sleeping in my own bed. Yay!

This homecoming is slightly bittersweet because I now miss everyone in Remanso just as I missed everyone in the States when I was there. C'est la vie. It is really great to be back and I know I'll make my way back to Brazil eventually. I can't stay away, now!

I think my last post from Friday really sums this experience up for me, so for now I will just say thank you to all. I hope you have enjoyed keeping up with Sue and me. If you'd like more information about the Associao San Jose in Remanso, please don't hesitate to contact one of us!

Muito Amor,


Friday, July 20, 2012

Simply Amazing!!

What an amazing night!!! I am at a loss for words other than amazing, better than I ever dreamed of! The kids were awesome and all at their best, the best they've ever sounded. Three years in the planning and I can't believe it actually happened. And when it was all done, I can't tell you how many hugs and kisses I received and some from people I've never met, thanking us for all we did. What an awesome night and I'm thankful all went relatively smoothly. The hour is late and we have an early call tomorrow to drive back to Juaziero with Fr. Joe so I will sign off for now, but stay tuned for details.

Oh, What a Night!! (FOTO FRIDAY!)

My face hurts from all the smiling we were doing while taking pictures!

As I mentioned the other day, I knew today was going to be a complete blur. We picked up T-shirts, went to the church to set-up and do a "sound check" which wasn't a sound check at all, because we had no band or singers to match levels to... Alas, I digress...

After a nice shower and glass of Coracao before the concert, we arrived at the church to find it locked! Ha! No worries. We were let in relatively on time!  People were early, for the most part, and I was glad for that.  We started only 5 minutes late, but then, nothing worth watching starts on time!  I really don't know if I have the words to describe what went on tonight. The adult choir was SO excited, they could hardly wait until the concert was over to cheer for everyone's success.  The kids were relatively well behaved and followed directions really well! They sang with such bravado- it was great! Transitions were very smooth.  You know the part I love best when conducting a concert? Right after the cut off- the last beat; the final strains of beautiful music still resound and you can match smiling, proud faces to them.  Absolutely glorious.   

After tons of cheering from the adult choir and many hugs and kisses we went into the church hall to present all of our singers with their certificates. This also turned into a one on one photo shoot. My face still hurts from taking about 100 pictures tonight. Very fun!!  Mareeza, Dorinha, Concita, and Racquel sang to Sue and Me as well. It was so sweet. I am glad to say I didn't cry- until I hugged Father McCall. He is so wonderful! I am glad he'll be making a trip up with Fr. Potter just a few days after we get home. Love them both so much.

An Aunt of mine warned me not to fall in love before I came down here. "Jamie- you never know when it can hit you..watch out!" Sorry to say, I didn't completely heed her advice.  I did fall in love. With the town and people of Remanso.  I don't know if I'll be able to post tomorrow, so I think I have to sum up my trip in tonight's post:

Things I have learned:

  • Give without reservation
  • Hug people a lot
  • Sing to the Lord. Always.
  • One person CAN make a difference. We can all play a part in changing our world. 

I am sad to leave, but really excited to be home on Sunday night.  LOVE to all. Thank you to family and friends following up North, my new family in Brazil, and, of course, to Sue! 

Adult Choir- ALEGRIA!

Pe Mundo, Me, Sue, Racquel, and Pe. Joe
Happy after a successful night!

Adult and High School Choir
Thursday night party!

Dorinha and friends singing
a goodbye song to us!

Yesterday-What a Day!

Got home too late last night to blog but what a fun evening, a going away party for Jamie and I. Lots of food,  drinks, dancing and song. There was a lovely duo singing all night, but we were able to convince Jamie and Padre Jose to sing together and my wish came true. They sang Ave Maria and it brought tears to my eyes, but more tears were shed when the group from the center sang us a song they wrote for us themselves about our visit, our friendships and how much they'll miss us. Soooooo sweet.

That culminated a full day of classes in the morning and rehearsal at the church in the afternoon. We thought everything went fairly well at rehearsal since we discovered that morning that our young class had never done anything like this before. They practiced getting on and off stage, their songs, how to stand straight and trying not to fidget. We'll see tonight. They are all full of energy, excited and so are we. Pray for a successful evening as they've worked so hard for this. I'd like them to be proud of what they've done as they should be.
Like I've said before, it's all in the process.

Stay tuned, the countdown continues........

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Short and Very Sweet

Wow!  Brazilians know how to party!
I am happy to report today's dress rehearsal went very well. We started according to Brazilian Time; 20 minutes late. I try to be very punctual, so it was a bit rough for me to endure beginning after I wanted to.  Howver, the kids were remarkably well behaved. Especially considering they had never done something like this before. To give them this first opportunity at performing in a concert is truly an honor.

The band you ask? I think songs sounded just fine today. I do wish they would play shorter interlude pieces, but c'est la vie. Everything turned out very well and I am so excited for everyone!

After the rehearsal, we went to Mareeza's for a wonderful party. They sang goodbye songs to us and I cried like a little girl! I am going to miss these people, my friends, so much. We danced almost the whole evening! Despite my best efforts to avoid Skol, Aunt Racquel kept putting a bottle in front of me...Sue eventually took my glass away...There was, of course, lots of picture taking involved. I will have to post those tomorrow.  Other highlights of my night included singing with Father Joe and speaking my fake Portugese.

It's such a weird feeling; I am completely homesick and yet do not want to leave. Talk about mixed emotions! 

Love to all! Good night!